<bgsound src="/audio/tgoaulp.mp3" loop=1 height=1 width=1 name="audiobgsound1" id="audiobgsound1"> *laffz*


The P-t-B.com
Archival Recap
of a
New Era

(just in case you missed something)



Get Well Soon Mary Kate!


22 June 2004
Mary-Kate Olsen Seeks Treatment
Reuters has announced that Mary-Kate Olsen has entered a treatment program for an eating disorder reported to be anorexia. The New York Minute star, who last week celebrated her 18th birthday with twin sister Ashley, has been a tabloid sensation of late given her frail figure; Mary-Kate herself comically addressed the issue when the twins hosted Saturday Night Live back on May 15th by ordering an extra, playing her, to "eat a sandwich." Michael Pagnotta, the twins' publicist, has stated that Mary-Kate "is thankful for the encouragement and support of her friends and family, who are with her every step of the way." He added that she entered an unnamed facility during the last week and is expected to receive treatment for approximately one month. This means Ashley will make a solo voyage to Australia and New Zealand later this month to promote New York Minute, the Olsens' first feature film, which had a disappointing run at the American box-office. -- Prepared by IMDb Staff

No surprise here. It was very obvious, which is why people
have been commenting on it for some time. What a waste.
g0d knows what was done to her since she was g0d knows
how young to act as a contributing factor to this end result.
Plus all of the drinking and drugs and partying and such she has
been involved in, as has been reported over the last few years.
Which was probably also a contributing factor, as well as
a common manifestation of the original "abuse", or whatever it
was that happened to her. Poor thing. She never had a
chance in Hell. I kept telling people that there was Trouble
in River City with a capital "T", but would they listen?
It's probably only luck that Ashley hasn't suffered the same or
a similar fate. If she hasn't already in some way, shape, or form.
We can only hope not, and hope things work out for the best
for both of them. (and all of the many, many others)
As usual, I called it right.
Hey, Ash sweets! — Call Me!!   ;o)

MP3 size = ~350Kb
Okay.   So I never claimed to have
the best singing voice in the world.
Evening masking it can't mask that.
Deal with it and move forward.
(Remember: Never go Straight – Always go forward)
This should also prove to all those nay-sayers and
such that, yes, I can walk and chew bubble gum at
the same time. It wasn't just luck that first time.
Copyright © 2004 – and all that crap, by P-t-B.com
   – All Rights Reserved and then some, as usual.
Dust in the Wind
I close My Eyes
Only for a Moment and The Moment's Gone
All My Dreams
Pass BE four My Eyes in Curiosity
Dust in the Wind
All they are is Dust in the Wind
Same Old Song
Just a Drop of Water in an Endless Sea
All We Doo
Crumbles too, the ground, though We Refuse, too see
Dust in the Wind
All they are is Dust in the Wind
Oh, ah, ahh
    { Popeye }
Don't hang on
Nothing lasts Four Ever but the Earth and Sky
It slips away
And all your money won't another Minute buy
Dust in the Wind
All We are is Dust in the Wind
Dust in the Wind
Every Thing is Dust in the Wind

This is my current desktop wallpaper image. (girls.bmp; 1024 x 768)
Where ever it was that I got the original image, this version has been
modified and enhanced in a few ways for your enjoyment and viewing pleasure.
Click on thumbnail to download an archived version for Windows: (~1.5 Mb)



I created the bookmark browser helper ("Bookmarklet") below so that I can more easily download actor/actress images on IMDB. (Internet Movie DataBase — http://www.imdb.com/) There are also other instances where it comes in handy on other websites, as well.
   [ no, seriously — I did it all Myself   ;o)   doo you BElieve Me? ]
IMDB recently (+/-) changed to a type of image "security" that multiply embeds the image in a table as a background. There is a small invisible .GIF image "showing" over the top of the actual image that you will get if you use "View image" or "Save as..." or "View background image" browser commands. (which makes it VERY difficult to access the image to save it)
The bookmark/favorite javascript code below lists all images on a page that are backgrounds of a table so you can easily save them. All you have to do is create a bookmark/favorite and paste the javascript code in the "location" section so that the javascript is executed when you choose that bookmark. You can name it whatever you want. I put mine on my browser bookmark personal toolbar folder section so that I can easily just click it when I want to use it.
Note that the JS code has to be one long line without breaks. I have listed it below broken up into multiple 50–character segments for ease of access. This should work in Firefox, Mozilla, Netscape, Opera and Internet Explorer browsers. (and maybe others)
The code is also available as a link so that you can easily access it using your browser's "Copy link location" command (or whatever your browser calls it) for pasting into the bookmark.
I have also included an example below to show how it works. Just click on the link. (and try to access the image otherwise)
If you like this and use it, send Me an email at
and let Me know.

<br><img src='+isrc+'><br><hr>\n'}}};d.outerHTML=%
22<html><body bgcolor=black text=white>Show all ta
ble background images for %22+location.href+%22<br
LINK: Show all table background images   browser bookmark/favorite Bookmarklet

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